Search Results
Your search matched 2 entries.
embracer 1 v.trans. v.absol. v.refl. sbst. inf. p.p. as a.
Semantic labels: armour, chess, games, law, merch., mil., wrestling
Usage labels: euph., fig.Citations:
to hug, clasp, grip one another (in a fight)
wrestling: (1155) Goemagog se racesma E de lutier s'apareilla. [...] Es les vus ensemble jostez, Piz contre piz, lez contre lez; Par detriés les dos s'enbracerent, Par grant air lur mains lacerent 1121tur 2 s.
Semantic labels: astron., chess, equit., geometry, implement, jousting, law, mil., textile, wrestling
move by which the opponent is thrown over one’s hip
wrestling: (1155) during a joust A la hanche i out maint tor fait 1143